Colored Angora Goats

Colored Angora Goats
Meet the goats!

Monday, June 27, 2011

Priorities are a Must

It is very easy to become overwhelmed by all of the things there are to do. I have a full time job other than the farm that requires two hours of commute time three days a week. I'm very fortunate to be able to work from home two days a week.

Besides my non-farm job I have a long list of things that need to be done around here:

  • Install a section of fence

  • Mow the pastures

  • Wash fleece I just removed from five goats

  • Feed little Rosie

  • Tag and vaccinate kids

  • Move the chicken trailer out of the backyard into the pasture

  • Finish the new dog pen

On top of these there are the things that I want to do to be a good daughter.

  • Teach Mom how to balance the check book

  • Help her sort through the documents that are piling up in relation to Dad's failing health

  • Visit and cook a meal once in a while just to take a load off Mom

Sometimes I feel like I can't possibly get it all done. Sometimes I'm not sure what to work on in the current minute.

At those times I take a few minutes and sit with a pen and paper. I list the things that I want to do. Then I decide which are most important. Those are the things I do first. I don't let those other things that are really the nice-to-have things, get in the way.

So for me right now it's build fence, mow pasture, wash fleece, visit Mom and Dad at least once a month.

1 comment:

  1. Clancy and the gang are amazing and such darling animals! Great job, Cheri! You must be so proud of what you have accomplished!!
