Colored Angora Goats

Colored Angora Goats
Meet the goats!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Building Fence

Whew! Busy Days. I have been working on a 500 foot section of fence that will divide up the property and make it easier for me to wean kids, rest pasture and many other things. I thought I'd get the project out of the way during my vacation in May. That expectation vaporized when Dad had a heart attack and I spent the time with he and Mom.

My newphews have been helping me on weekends. They helped me "plant" 16 pressure-treated posts for end and line-support. I added H-braces myself and pounded in 32 T-posts. Scott came back last weekend and we hung most of the wire but only got the top clips on the t-posts so I finished those this week.

This weekend was a scorcher so I went out early each morning and was able to finish hanging all but 16 feet of the wire fence. I just need to add some gates and I can call that project complete.

So far I've put up about 2500 feet of fence on this acreage. I found instructions on the internet and tailored it to my needs and checkbook. It looks very nice and has held in goats, jersey steers and sheep so it is doing the job I wanted it to do.

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